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I think every woman should have a blowtorch”

                -Julia Child

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Their new book is out! I cant wait to check it out.

Betty Crocker Christmas

I purchased this book thinking it was more of a cookbook than a dietary plan, so I decided to review it for what it was and for what I thought it was. I used it as a cookbook, and did both the 3 day and the 21 day resets in the book. I love to eat healthy and was vegetarian for a period of time so really enjoy the type of food in Clean Slate. The recipes are clearly written, though there does seem to be some issues with the calorie counts.

The three day plan is terribly boring and the use of lemon is overwhelming. You eat the same three meals everyday and the soup you have for dinner starts out with a lovely delicate flavor until you squeeze on a whole lemon. And that’s how a lot of the recipes are. The 21 day plan requires some serious dedication. I would also recommend changing up the recipes a bit from what the menu says, because by the end of the week eating the same food over and over again can drive you crazy. Not really changing the ingredients just the preparations because there are much tastier options using the exact same ingredients. I don’t feel as though my health was improved by doing this, but I did drop 4 pounds.  

As a cookbook it’s okay. I really like the cherry smoothie recipe and the Lentil Patty, I grew up eating lentil patties and appreciate having another recipe to use.

 I am unable to  rate this one because my feelings about it are very mixed. Some of the food is downright terrible and some I kind of love.  As far as using it as a base for a cleanse it’s pretty good. I think for people just beginning their journey into healthy eating some of the food is out of reach, but if you already eat clean and are looking to shake up your diet this book has some great ideas.

I have more pictures of the food if you would like to see them.