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I think every woman should have a blowtorch”

                -Julia Child

Home of Retro Recipes

My name is Emily and I love to cook. I particularly love to bake. I love it so much I decided to make it my career. I started working in restaurants in high school and in 2004 I graduated from the first ever Baking and Patisserie class at Western Culinary Institute in Portland Oregon. Currently I am not able to work outside my home, but miss the food world terribly so I started this project.

My goal for the book series Retro Recipes is to give people recipes with flavors and ingredients that might be something they have never had before, but were common in the past, to let people see the evolution of cooking as it relates to the time period the recipe is from . Then I intend to redo a bunch of the recipes, while leaving the essence of the original intact, to make it more accessible to the modern cook. History is fun, so is food, so why not taste your history?

Due to my love of food and cookbooks, I will also be reviewing cookbooks, old and new, and sharing some recipes that aren’t so old, but are really tasty.

I am learning epublishing, web creation and fine tuning my food photograpy skills along the way so I hope you will stick with me as my presentation skills improve.

